Center Axis Relock System Manual
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Center Axis Relock System Manual Average ratng: 4,1/5 1689 votes
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Center Axis Relock (CAR) is a shooting system primarily intended for close quarters battle invented by Paul Castle. 900 cau hoi thi nails tieng viet. The CAR system features a bladed stance (the shooter's weak-side shoulder facing the target), a close-to-body firearm hold, and sighted or non-sighted fire as the situation dictates. The CAR System Summary Higher success rates of nontraditional personnel, e.g., smaller‐statured men and women, due to unique features.

Originally Posted by trainor
dOES IT WIN MATCHES, against the top men using other systems? If not, why not?
Center Axis Relock Method
I agree with Williams. I do however see your point. Because we are not comparing apples to apples,the J-Turn in Executive Protection can't be challenged with, 'Does it win the Indy 500? If not, why not?' The CAR seems to be a great system for some situations, but probably would not have been Castle's choice if taking a shot at 50 yards for precision. Perhaps an IDPA match with all targets very close along with other modifications would be a good comparison test?