Cheat Counter Strike Xtreme V7 Wallhack

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Cheat Counter Strike Xtreme V7 Wallhack Average ratng: 4,3/5 6967 votes
  1. Counter-strike Xtreme V7 Download

Feb 2, 2012 - Download CS hack Super Simple Wallhack v7.3 free - wallhack no flash no smoke lambert crosshair no ads ssw.

Cheat Counter Strike Xtreme V7 Wallhack

Counter-strike Xtreme V7 Download

UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats> Downloads> Counter Strike Hacks> Counter Strike 1.6
FGC Wallhack [-v7-]
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File Name:FGC Wallhack [-v7-] (609.6 KB)
Author:(+)(Uploaded by Zooom)
Date Added:5th February 2011
Grade:Not Rated (Voters: 0)
Forum thread URL:

FGC Wallhack -[v7]-
Features :
Bone Aimbot
No Flash/No smoke/No sky
Night Mode/Day Mode
Screenshot cleaner / Blocker
Anti Wallhack Blocker
Changes: v7
Some Fixes for better aimbot performance .
More to come soon .
Hotkeys :
CAPSLOCK (Aimbot On/Off)
F5 (Mouse1/Mouse2)
F6 (Aimspot)
F7 (Aimthru)
F8 (WallHack)
F9 (No Flash/No Smoke/No sky)
F10 (Lambert)
F11 (Night Mode/Day Mode)
F12 (Anti Wallhack Blocker)
Proof : Feb. 5 , 2011 .
- Ultimate Screenshot v1.2
- Other Screenshot plugins
- HackHunter
- etc
Message :
FGC Wallhack -[v7]- is a public cheat ,
public cheats are always
'Use at your own risk' condition.
There are no guarantees as to what this
software can do to your system or
Gaming account .
FGC Wallhack does not come with a DLL .
It uses pure code injection .
How to use:
- Run Steam .
- Run the 'FGC Wallhack -[v7]-.exe' .
- Run CS 1.6
No explosion , no injection ..
Press ESC to cancel/close loader.
CS 1.6 must be run in Opengl mode .
Use Screenshot Blocker / Cleaner .
Taking a screenshot will do two things .
1. ) Produce a clean shot for anti cheats that
require the player to return the shot .
- Will include Watermarks / Texts and all .
- Quick / single frame watermarks / text included .
- Exaclty the same as dirty shot but clean .
- The clean shot can be found in the cheat's folder
called 'de_dust0012.bmp'. Just rename it to their
shots name and upload / submit that ... hehe .
2.) Produce Black screenshots for anti cheats that
take internal shots and automatically upload them .
- Allows possibility for plausible deniability .
- Just make excuses like : 'My PC is a bit old .'
Screenshot blocker / cleaner will not work for anti
cheat clients that take external screenshots .
- Update your video driver to
get latest OpenGL drivers.
Download from Microsoft:
- C++ 2005 Redistributable
- C++ 2008 Redistributable
- .Net framework 3.5
Tested on Vista / Windows 7 32/64 bit .

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