Ncomputing Vspace For Windows 7 Server 6 6 9 1 Zip Bags
VSpace Server stops accepting connections. Sign Up Sign In. Affects 'Classic Version' vSpace Software - ncomputing vspace windows xp. Windows XP Tweaks, Graphic Drivers For Windows XP Utility, Sound Drivers For Windows XP Utility.
* Access to station content specifically for our mobile users
* 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available
* Future radar to see where severe weather is headed
* High resolution satellite cloud imagery
* Current weather updated multiple times per hour
* Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models
* Ability to add and save your favorite locations
* A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness
* Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service
* Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

You can use vSpace 6 / 8 MSI install files from the Windows command line to silently install vSpace without user interaction.
Note: depending on version of installer, you may need to use the NComputing Cert or the ZeroDesktop Cert.
Below is an example of the command line install:
msiexec /qn /norestart /i 'NComputing vSpace_L-' AGREETOLICENSE=yes ADDUSERS=0 DELETELICENSE=0
NComputing MSI Installer and Uninstaller Options:
- You must include the 'AGREETOLICENSE=yes' during a silent install to signify that you agree to the NComputing End User License Agreement
- The 'ADDUSERS=0' command line option is necessary for silent installs and suppresses the popup window asking if you want to add new users.
- The uninstaller now contains a Message Box to provide options for handling an existing vSpace host license during an uninstall. The available license options for use in a silent uninstall/install are:
“DELETELICENSE=0” – do NOT remove vSpace license
“DELETELICENSE=1” – popup box will appear
“DELETELICENSE=2” – remove vSpace license without popup
If you encounter the signed driver message popup (shown below), it’s because NComputing’s (ZeroDesktop) code signing certificate hasn’t been stored into the host system’s certificate repository.
If you have ever clicked on the “Always trust software from NComputing or “ZeroDesktop.” checkbox (pointed to by green arrow in above image) during an install, then the message will never pop up again on that particular system. However, clicking that checkbox isn’t a particularly good option for customers desiring to deploy NComputing vSpace on a system for the first time.
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You can use the following Microsoft command inside your silent install script to import the certificate prior to running the msiexec command:
certutil -addstore 'TrustedPublisher' ZeroDesktop.cer
Adding the import command similar to shown in screen shot below to your install script will make the install truly silent.
(The below image is a representation, and you may be using the ZeroDesktop cert)
The Microsoft “certutil” command line tool is included in Windows 7*, and in Windows Server 2008 R2.
For vSpace and above, use the file labeled 'NC-code-signing-vSpace' for vSpace 8.4 and above use from the file NC-code-signing-vSpace_certs attachment
Article: 303